Hadoop RPC protocol description

Snakebite currently implements the following protocol in snakebite.channel.SocketRpcChannel to communicate with the NameNode.


The Hadoop RPC protocol works as described below. On connection, headers are sent to setup a session. After that, multiple requests can be sent within the session.

Function Type Default
Header bytes “hrpc”
Version uint8 7
Auth method uint8 80 (Auth method SIMPLE)
Serialization type uint8 0 (protobuf)
IpcConnectionContextProto length uint32  
IpcConnectionContextProto bytes  

Sending messages

When sending a message, the following is sent to the sever:

Function Type
Length of the next two parts uint32
RpcPayloadHeaderProto length varint
RpcPayloadHeaderProto protobuf serialized message
HadoopRpcRequestProto length varint
HadoopRpcRequestProto protobuf serialized message

varint is a Protocol Buffer variable int.


The Java protobuf implementation uses writeToDelimited to prepend the message with their lenght, but the python implementation doesn’t implement such a method (yet).

Next to an rpcKind (snakebites default is RPC_PROTOCOL_BUFFER), an rpcOp (snakebites default is RPC_FINAL_PAYLOAD), the RpcPayloadHeaderProto message defines a callId that is added in the RPC response (described below).

The HadoopRpcRequestProto contains a methodName field that defines what server method is called and a has a property request that contains the serialized actual request message.

Receiving messages

After a message is sent, the response can be read in the following way:

Function Type
Length of the RpcResponseHeaderProto varint
RpcResponseHeaderProto bytes
Length of the RPC response uint32
Serialized RPC response bytes

The RpcResponseHeaderProto contains the callId of the request and a status field. The status can be SUCCESS, ERROR or FAILURE. In case SUCCESS the rest of response is a complete protobuf response.

In case of ERROR, the response looks like follows:

Function Type
Length of the RpcResponseHeaderProto varint
RpcResponseHeaderProto bytes
Length of the RPC response uint32
Length of the Exeption class name uint32
Exception class name utf-8 string
Length of the stack trace uint32
Stack trace utf-8 string